3 Dumbbell Exercises For Lower Back

by admin on September 14, 2017

Three Top Dumbbell Exercises for Lower Back Recommended By Personal Trainers

Dumbbells can be useful in working a lot of muscle groups in the body. Here are three exercises using dumbbells that focus on the lower back muscles.

Dumbbell Dead Lifts

Place two dumbbells on the floor and stand between them. Make sure your feet are hip width apart. Bend your knees to lower hips and bring thighs parallel to the floor. Make sure to keep your spine straight, tilting your tailbone as needed. Extend your arms and pick up dumbbells, with your palms facing inward. Tighten abdominal muscles, spinal muscles and push your chest out slightly. Put weight on heels and lift to a standing position while holding the dumbbells. Pause at the top for a second or two. Then, return to the original position and repeat.

Twisting Bend to Opposite Foot

Stand with feet hip width apart. Have dumbbells near the right foot. Grab the dumbbells and lift them until you are in a standing position. Lower the dumbbells to the left foot. Make sure to keep knees bent slightly while completing this. Repeat, alternating sides.

Back Fly

Lie on your chest on a bench. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your arms at 90 degree angles to your body. Lift the dumbbells until your arms are parallel to the ground. Pause, then return the dumbbells to the floor and your arms to 90 degree angles. Repeat. Make sure to exhale as you lift the dumbbells and inhale as you are lowering them to the ground.

A Brooklyn Personal Trainer will help you fit these exercises into your regular workout. Any of the available Brooklyn Heights Personal Trainers can help in maximizing the benefit without injuring yourself. This is one of many reasons that investing in a program with Bensonhurst Personal Training is worth the time and money.


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